Today, March 31, our card will be: Release It is our final day together, and we couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate card. It is...
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Today, March 30, our card will be: The Unexpected At first glance, our card today warns us to expect the unexpected and we should. Maybe...
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Today, March 29, our card will be: Resistance We’ve talked about a lot of growth and changes this month, so it’s natural to feel resistance....
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Today, March 28, our card will be: Boundaries We’ve basically been leading up to this card all month by becoming more mindful of our selves...
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Today, March 27, our card will be: Surrender Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up. It’s just another way of saying it’s time to let go of...
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Today, March 26, our card will be: Darkness Darkness always follows light. Light always follows darkness. Today, we will consider doing some shadow work. Shadow...
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Today, March 25, our card will be: Masculine It might seem funny to discuss the masculine when we’re working with a goddess deck, but in...
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Today, March 24, our card will be: Blossoming The Flower Moon card (May 23 this year) warns us to be wary of others who may...
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Today, March 23, our card will be: Fruition This is the Harvest Moon card, which will occur on Sep 17 this year. If you have...
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