It’s winter outside the writing cave and while I’m hard at work on books for a new series as well as books for some not-so-new series, I take time every day to spend a little time watching these faces outside my window.
It seems the previous owners of our house were deer feeders and the first year we were here, the deer let us know they expected we should keep up the tradition. At least twice a day I get that niggling sense I’m being watched, twitch the curtains aside and see these faces outside my window.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Ann Dysinger
May 18, 2018 - 7:14 am ·Love your deer. My husband buys several hundred pounds of corn over the winter to feed our deer, turkeys, song birds, raccoons and many other critters during Northern Ohio’s hard winters (some are milder but there is still little food of high nutritional value in the winter so we “supplement” with corn from the local grain elevator) I am a wildlife artist and hunting guide so I spend a lot of time making sure mama and their babies have plenty to eat. My husband and I spend 80% of our time outdoors. We have 200 acres of all wildlife habitat and wetlands for otters, muskrat, ducks and geese. There are some species on our farm that are not found often found elsewhere. We love our little piece of heaven!
Enjoy your books. Glad to see Lexi is “maturing” but am seriously disappointed she lost her “true love”. After 4 books building up to her one true love to find out she lost him is disheartening. Will there be more in this serious? I like to listen to the books while work in my studio. Summer is my time to paint and feed the art gallery. Starting on your next series, Ring’s On Her Fingers All the best to you. Ann
ReGina Welling
May 18, 2018 - 7:18 am ·Thank you! We love feeding the deer each year.
Lexi will have a happy ending. We’re working on her next book now.
November 28, 2018 - 12:37 pm ·I received this email about your books
“The only news I have at the moment is that we’re running a flash sale on the Elder Witch series. Book 1 is free today, and the rest of the series will be .99 until the end of the month. Here’s a link to them on Amazon which is the only place they are currently available because the are in the Kindle Unlimited program at the moment.”
Neither nor have that sale on. The first book is free but the rest are not on sale at 99¢ US nor $1.37 Can as stated in email to you reader’s list. Aside from that it is white here since we got snow last night and it’s bringing out the Christmas feel in me . Think the the tree will go up this weekend. I presently have one of my husband’s gifts hiding in the car. lol Love your deer – we have quite a few around here. They usually raid my bird feeders. My neighbour used to put salt blocks out for them. Have a great Christmas. I look forward to reading more of your books!………..Bonnie
ReGina Welling
November 28, 2018 - 12:51 pm ·Hi,
but they don’t always show everyone the same page. It’s highly frustrating because I have no control over what happens.
I think that Amazon has been doing weird things lately because the books are on sale on the .com site.
We feed the deer oats all winter, but not until after hunting season ends. There’s another week or so for muzzle loading and archery season and then they’ll show up begging for their supper. And their lunch, and breakfast, too, if they think we’ve forgotten we already fed them.