
Boxset Sale on Kobo


Do you read on Kobo?

Were you aware that they have a lending program for eBooks and Audiobooks that’s quite affordable and doesn’t require an author to keep their books exclusive to their store?

It’s called Kobo Plus and it’s a subscription-based reading service that offers unlimited access to a vast library of eBooks and audiobooks for a single monthly fee. Perfect for avid readers, Kobo Plus lets you explore thousands of titles across various genres, from bestsellers and hidden gems to indie favorites. Whether you love fiction, non-fiction, thrillers, or romance, Kobo Plus gives you the freedom to read as much as you want, whenever you want, on your preferred device.

Getting started with Kobo Plus is simple. Choose a subscription plan that fits your needs—eBooks, audiobooks, or both—and start exploring the catalog. You can read or listen using the Kobo app on your smartphone or tablet, or enjoy your eBooks on a Kobo eReader for an immersive, distraction-free experience.

Best of all, Kobo Plus allows you to try the service for free with a 30-day trial, so you can experience unlimited reading before committing.

Several of my series are available to buy on Kobo and to read in Kobo Plus including:

  • The Psychic Seasons Series
  • Fate Weaver
  • The Mag and Clara Balefire Mysteries
  • The Ponderosa Pines Mysteries

And from the 19th to the 31st, you can buy the following box sets for 30% off.

Use the code: BOXSET30

And if you want to see all of the books, here’s the link to the sale! Kobo Boxset Sale