New release date for Fate Weaver Book 7
July 8, 2020Heaven or Spell, Book 7 in the Fate Weaver series is up for pre-order on Amazon now, and will be up for pre-order on other…
Heaven or Spell, Book 7 in the Fate Weaver series is up for pre-order on Amazon now, and will be up for pre-order on other…
It’s winter outside the writing cave and while I’m hard at work on books for a new series as well as books for some not-so-new…
Witch or Treat It’s All Hallows’ Eve, and these witches are getting wild! Just in time for Halloween, some of your favorite authors have teamed…
We happened to be out shopping last weekend and I ran into a sweet deal (half price, I mean, you don’t pass that up) on…
In honor of Gustavia’s favorite day, here are 13 things in random order and of no particular importance whatsoever. 1. I just (not even five…